Mind body alignment for the feminine

A 2 DAY Masterclass & Workshop for the woman who wants to HEAL her hormones beyond FOOD and EXERCISE and UNLEASH her most magnetic self by using the power of her subconscious mind, feminine energy, and emotional healing

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    Laurence Annez

    Holistic Women's coach | Life coach | NLP practitioner | Hypnotherapist | EFT practitioner

    What you will learn + experience:

    • How trauma and your subconscious programs show up in your health
    • Discover the power of your subconscious mind on your body’s healing potential
    • How constantly being in your masculine and rejecting your feminine energy is fking up your hormones, your love life, and your ability to receive + what you can do about it
    • How unprocessed emotions of anger, shame, and guilt can show up in the body
    • Embody your human design to help you to heal your physical health
    • Receive a guided EFT/tapping experience to rewire your brain to support your physical healing & mental health
    • A powerful guided visualization exercise combining NLP + breathwork that will help you connect with your intuitive body + your feminine energy and get super clear on the identity of “future you” so you can embody them in your everyday life

    Who this is for:

    • You’re interested in a holistic approach that addresses the root causes of why your symptoms aren’t getting any better and why you’re feeling rather dull and unfulfilled
    • You want to understand how to heal your physical body BEYOND just food, supplements, and exercise by using the power of the mind, body work, and emotional healing
    • You experience hormonal and chronic symptoms that are keeping you from feeling energized, confident, and radiant
    • You’ve tried a lot of health trends (like dieting, fasting, intense workouts, keto, etc) but they aren’t working and you want to adopt an approach that honours your female body (and doesn’t drain the life out of you)
    • You want to learn how to live more in sync with your cyclical rhythms (cycle phases) for better outcomes with your health, your life, your relationships, your business..
    • You find yourself constantly living in masculine overdrive and want to learn how you can surrender and soften into your feminine to live a more delicious life of flow, magnetism, and ease